5 Things Every Healthcare Provider Must Be Doing To Protect Themselves From Cyber Criminals

Five things every healthcare provider must do to protect themselves against cyber criminals:

Security Awareness Training

Imagine starting your computer on a ‪Monday morning only to find that all of your files are gone. Or how about getting a call from one of your employees saying, “I clicked on a link in an email from [...]

The IT Company Blog Series

We are re-booting our blog.

ALERT: New Ransomware Strain Targeting Very Specific Users

A new strain of Ransomware called "Defray" is spreading it's way around. This is different in how it is being targeted and distributed. The distribution of Defray has several notable characteristics: [...]

Security ALERT: New Ransomware Strain Attacking

Many technical and traditional news outlets have been reporting a widespread global outbreak of a new strain of an old ransomware virus that is rapidly spreading. For more information on the [...]

Cyber Insurance Does Not Pay out for Human Error

Insurers will always work to limit their risk, so it is important for the buyer to be aware of what is in the fine print of any policy. Particularly with the recent WannaCry Ransomware insurers and [...]

The Cyber Warfare Cell that Worries the West

Is North Korea behind the WannaCry Ransomware strain that hit a couple of weeks ago? A recent Reuters article points out what is happening in North Korea and it seems more and more signs are point [...]

Security Updates

As we all saw this weekend the cyber world is fragile, and vulnerable. As we have increased our reliance on technology we have also exponentially increased our risk and created an extremely [...]

ALERT: Massive Wave Of CryptoLocker Ransomware Infections

We received this email from our friends at KnowBe4.com today:

New Mac malware targets Microsoft Word users

From the Cult of Mac site, a warning of a malware strain going after Microsoft Word on the Mac users. Mac's have long remained more isolated and immune, but as they become more pervasive and more [...]