About Alexandra Blacklock

Guest Post: Scammer, Meet Hacker

Kyle Bubp from Savage Security recently wrote a three part blog post series highlighting a real-world scam targeted at us, The IT Company. Here's the basic background:

ALERT: New Ransomware Strain Targeting Very Specific Users

A new strain of Ransomware called "Defray" is spreading it's way around. This is different in how it is being targeted and distributed. The distribution of Defray has several notable characteristics: [...]

Scam Alert!!

Be on the ALERT and don't be fooled by job scams:

August 24th, 2017 |Categories: Cyber Crime, Scam, Fraud

Security ALERT: New Ransomware Strain Attacking

Many technical and traditional news outlets have been reporting a widespread global outbreak of a new strain of an old ransomware virus that is rapidly spreading. For more information on the [...]