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Did COVID-19 Highlight Faults in Your IT?

Written by Macy Brink | Feb 19, 2021 8:39:41 PM

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way technology aids success in the healthcare industry, and if it has shown the world anything, it is the importance of adaptability and reliability.

So how does this play into ensuring you’ve selected the best IT partner for your business?

When the healthcare world was quickly forced to transition to a technology centered method of functioning- healthcare providers quickly saw the importance of having an IT department who knows what they are doing, and who can adapt to your needs in a timely manner.

In an article shared by Healthcare IT News, Eric Jimenez of Artesia General Hospital wrote; As I look back at 2020, innovation in the healthcare industry was accelerated. The digital transformation needs to be led by someone or a team that has a deep understanding of technology and operations. In my eyes, the role of information technology as a support function has come to an end in 2020. The role of the CIO and their team will change. Technology has a part in every function of healthcare now."

The unfortunate reality is that when the pandemic hit, providers and hospitals all over found out the hard way - that they hadn’t chosen the right IT partners, invested in technology or taken the critical security measures to aid in the success of their business when a crisis hit. Whether that meant not having an IT partner who could help the transition to Telehealth or not investing in strong collaboration tools, the connection between IT and healthcare was undoubtedly highlighted.

Not only has there been an emphasis on choosing an IT provider you can depend on, but there is a continual awareness that cybercriminals are targeting the healthcare industry. Which means taking security steps to protect yourself and to educate your employees of cyber risks is a priority.

The effects of the pandemic on the healthcare industry are important. You need to be asking yourself if you have the best IT partner for your business.

Are you confident that your IT provider will be the right fit when a crisis happens? Can you depend on them to act in a timely manner? Are they working with you implement the best security practices? Are they aiding you in the ongoing success of your business?

At The IT Company we focus on your technology being an asset to your business. If you are ready to have an IT provider you can rely on to take you further- reach out to us today.