Is Your Office Printer a Threat to Your Security?

How often do you consider your office printer as a threat to your security?

3 Reasons We Don't Hire Entry Level Engineers

There’s a little secret in the Managed IT space that most providers don’t want you to know; the way they create success for themselves is by hiring entry level people to take the front line issues, [...]

Employee Interview- Kyle Kelley

This is Cody Crowell here doing a guest write in. In our marketing planning meeting, we had the idea of doing an employee interview blog about Kyle Kelley. Since Kyle is a man of few words, and the [...]

July 31st, 2018 |Categories: IT Blog, Interview, People, Employee Interview, IT provider

VPN Filter

This week’s technology topic is a quick Q&A with The IT Company’s own Kyle Kelley. We asked him to help our readers better understand a form of Malware, known as VPN Filter.

July 3rd, 2018 |Categories: Malware, VPN Filter, Protection, Security, IT provider

Employee Interview- Cody Muncy

Big things are happening here at The IT Company! Cody Muncy has been an integral part of your IT department for almost 6 years now. We are excited to announce that Cody will be transitioning into the [...]

Employee Interview- Elias Askins

This week’s employee interview is unique. Not only is today’s blog a highlight of our current service manager Elias Askins, but also a farewell during his last weeks at The IT Company. We asked Elias [...]

Customer Interview- Cheryl Tuggle

By partnering with The IT Company, things have been kept running, are fixed in a timely manner, and done so in a way that makes every problem, big or small, feel important. 

June 5th, 2018 |Categories: EHR, Customer Interview, Technology, IT provider

Picking an IT Provider With Cyber Liability Insurance

When hiring an IT provider, you are trusting that they have the skills, knowledge, and experience to manage and support your IT infrastructure, not just when things are going well, but when things go [...]

Customer Interview- Chris Perry

McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects & Interior Designers, Inc. (MHM) is a company that depends heavily on their computers and network. Architects and Designers are some of most heavy computer users [...]

Customer Interview- Brandy Williams

At most companies, there is at least one person that gets sucked into fighting daily battles with computers, phones and printers. Did you draw that short straw? Or know someone that did? What if [...]