Sponcia Featured in Local Blog Series

Paul Sponcia (CEO of The IT Company) and his wife were recently featured on a local blog with a three part series about their commercial and non-profit work, and how it is shaped by who they are and what they believe.

Part 1: http://www.teknovation.biz/2016/05/10/part-1-sponcias-florida-natives-met-married-knoxville/

Part 2: http://www.teknovation.biz/2016/05/11/part-2-date-sponcias-restaurant/

Part 3: http://www.teknovation.biz/2016/05/12/part-3-sponcias-driven-live-love-hope/

May 16th, 2016 |Categories: CEO, People, Sponcia, Hard Knox

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