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Does the Current Weather Have You Working From Home?

Written by Macy Brink | Jan 19, 2024 5:48:51 PM

Has the Knoxville snow storm disrupted your daily routine? Have road conditions forced you to work from home? If so,  adapting to unforeseen challenges to ensure a seamless and secure work experience is critical. Here are 8 security tips for remote workers:

  1. Utilize the Company VPN: One of the first steps to ensure a secure connection is logging in to your company's Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN encrypts your internet connection, safeguarding your data from potential cyber threats. Make it a habit to connect to the VPN before starting your work, creating a secure tunnel for your online activities.

  2. Strengthen Passwords and Update Them: Passwords are your first line of defense against unauthorized access. Ensure all your passwords, especially those used across multiple platforms, are strong and unique. Take the time to update any passwords that might need refreshing. Strengthening your authentication process adds an extra layer of security to your remote work setup.

  3. Verify Home Wi-Fi Security: Your home Wi-Fi is a gateway to your virtual workspace. Confirm that your Wi-Fi password is strong and secure. This simple step can prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing your network during a snowstorm, protecting sensitive company information.

  4. Beware of Phishing Attempts: Snowstorms can create the perfect conditions for cybercriminals to launch phishing attacks. Be cautious of suspicious emails or messages, especially those related to weather updates or urgent work matters. Verify the sender's identity before clicking on any links or providing sensitive information.

  5. Disable Wi-Fi Auto-Connection on Mobile Devices: Mobile devices are often set to automatically connect to available Wi-Fi networks. Disable this feature to avoid unintentional connections to insecure networks. By doing so, you reduce the risk of exposing your device to potential threats during a snowstorm.

  6. Promptly Contact I.T. for Concerns: If you encounter any concerns or have questions regarding your remote setup, don't hesitate to contact your IT department immediately. They are there to support you and can provide guidance on addressing any technical issues or security concerns you may have.

  7. Use Company Approved Devices: Stick to using company-approved devices for work-related tasks. These devices are likely equipped with the necessary security measures and configurations to protect your data. Avoid using personal devices for work purposes during a snowstorm to minimize security risks.

  8. Run Software Updates: Regularly updating your software is essential for maintaining a secure remote work environment. Ensure that your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications are up-to-date. Software updates often include security patches that address vulnerabilities and enhance overall system security.

Remote work during a snowstorm requires a proactive approach to cybersecurity. By following these tips and prioritizing the security measures outlined above, you can navigate the challenges of working from home seamlessly and securely, even in the midst of inclement weather. Stay safe, stay connected, and keep your virtual workspace protected.